Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Schematic diagram

Below shows 3 types of schematic diagram for DC motor driver, relay_Xbee wireless, mainboard controller.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Problem solving

As per discussion with my ex lecture Mr. faisal about the problem in interfacing my servos and my Microcontroller. He come with an idea, why don't we try using Arduinio Microcontroller?. Arduino Microcontroller also one of the Atmel AVR family and cost quite expensive but reliable.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Basically, arduino easy to control and interfacing the components this is because Arduino is a bootloader and have a high-level library. Also uses C/C++ and the GCC compiler. The command to begin program are slightly different with High-Tech.

This are the recommendation (ATMega 168 / ATMega8). I hope i have enough time to study and understand the characteristic and behavior so that my problem can be solve.

Interfacing components

Our next goal is to try and error components used in the project. The main component that will be test are IR sensor and servo motor  We try to interface with our microcontroller, PIC. From this experiment,i understand how to interface the component with the microcontroller. As for IR sensor, not much problem in order to set distance. Besides that, i have a major problem in controlling the speed and angular movement. I still searching on how to solve this problem before install it into my structure.

Figure 1 : Interfacing Servo Motor

Figure 2 : Interfacing IR Sensor

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Installing water container

This week is the week that i focusing on the water container installation.Firstly,I build the base using L bracket and arcylic.After that the water container put inside the base to make sure conntainer in a good stand and no shaking.There is no much problems in installation and after this Ijust need to focusing on the installatiom on wiring sensor.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Installing DC Motor

This week we do installed 2 DC motor at back of the based and attach with the wheels. Motor also been tested. There is no major issue occured. Below is the motor specification :

•Output Power: 1.1 Watt
•Rated Speed: 185RPM
•Rated Current: 410mA
•Rated Torque: 78.4mN

Monday, 8 October 2012

Finalizing part component

DC Motor
Mechanical Assembly / Robot body and frame
Sealed Battery
Motor Driver
Water Pump
IR Sharp Sensor
Motor Wheel
Mainboard controller
Flame Sensor
Relay Mainboard
Screw Mainboard
LCD display
Castor wheel
DC Motor Bracket
IR Sensor Bracket
PCB Stand
DC Jack Converter
Rainbow cable
M-F Jumper
F-F Jumper

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Auto CAD design

Attached picture below is mechanical design of fire fighting robot. The robot using 2 wheel and 1 castor wheel on the front to make the movement smooth and reduce the used of motor. Thick acrylic used as robot based in term of stabilisation and thin acrylic used at body to cover Electronic parts. Water container is put at the back of the based. Basically this is only prototype robot.